Author & Speaker | Psychologist | Researcher

Speaking Engagements

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Build an Unshakeable foundation of strength, identity & Pride.

The presentation was amazing.
— Guest at Senator Royce West Forum at Prairie View A & M University

Black people endure all the typical stressors of everyday life—plus racism. And we are not immune to the daily assaults on our dignity and safety.

Exhaustion. Anxiety. Depression. “Low-key suicide.” High blood pressure. Diabetes. A feeling of “just going through the motions.”

I want to give you practical tools—culturally informed, rooted in research—to build an unshakeable foundation of strength, identity, and pride.

Recognize the Threats. Reclaim your psychological freedom. Thrive.


People are looking for relief—to be heard, seen, comforted and just have their experience validated. This event was a hopeful message to those in the Black community with questions about mental health, and it is so needed and relevant.
— Women's Action Network at Lockheed Martin


signature workshops

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Let’s talk about your organization’s needs.

When You're Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired 

The slights and aggressions Black people endure daily can lead to an internalized belief that being African American is a liability, creating additional stress and emotional drain. Understand the toll of racism and discrimination on mental health and discover strategies for resilience and health.

Fix Your Self-Talk, Fix Your Life 

Recognize dangerous self-talk, understand the powerful ways chronic patterns of thinking lead to chronic discontent, and revise your mindset for more joy, peace, and success.

Moving Beyond "Fix it, Jesus" 

Spirituality offers true help in the midst of grief and anxiety, but there are some problems that require more than a friend and a prayer. Understand the strengths and limitations of spirituality in protecting mental health and learn to recognize when professional guidance is needed.

Unmasking Depression & Anxiety in the Black Community 

Understand the cultural stigmas attached to mental illness within the Black community. Learn to recognize the signs of depression and symptoms of anxiety among African Americans, which may be wrapped in different language or behavior due to cultural pressure.

Suicide Prevention 101 

Suicide exists within all cultures. When you understand the warning signs, you can save lives. Learn the signs of suicide and learn how to respond if you suspect someone is thinking about ending their life.

bridging the gap between providers and marginalized communities

Sometimes, a professional's good intentions are not enough to cross the divide of suspicion and mistrust that exists between authorities/institutions and marginalized communities. Understand the roots of mistrust that prevent people of color from seeking help and learn how to provide sensitive, evidence-based care for stigmatized groups.

Coping with Pandemic Stress

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyday life in ways we never would have imagined. Managing the accompanying emotions is hard but can be done with the right tools and strategies in hand.

Quick Facts

  • Award-winning professor, University of Houston

  • Elected Fellow in the American Psychology Association

  • Author of 70+ scholarly papers

  • Featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, NPR, BET, The Breakfast Club, Red Table Talk, & The Talk

  • Featured in The Washington Post, New York Times, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Ebony, Self, Madame Noire, LA Times, People, Time, Wall Stree Journal, The Atlanta Black Star, & More